Monday, May 11, 2009

Back on Track

Last week was NOT good! I came down with a nasty head cold that completely sucked the life right out of, there were no trips to the gym. It was all I could do to sit upright for more than 10 minutes at a time - NOT fun!

This week will be better. I still have the cold, but at least it's not life sucking anymore and that is a good thing. I went to the gym this morning. Nothing too crazy just a walk at 3.8 MPH and 3% incline for 30 minutes. I'll slowly get back into my routine of running the last 5 minutes at 4.7 MPH and no incline, but not right now.

The upshot (if there can be one!) is that because I felt so crummy, I didn't eat a whole, despite not going to the gym for 7 days, I am still down 2 lbs. WOOHOO!!!

Keep up the good work!

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